Hello My Name is Aaron Belzer

Welcome to my Web Design Portfolio!

About Me

Driven Jr Software Developer looking to utilize and build on skills learned from completing recent coding bootcamp through the University of Minnesota and previous work experience to create high quality applications and websites. Trained in HTML, JavaScript, CSS, React, Node JS, NoSql and SQL. Started in an entry level position 15 years ago and worked my way up to Department Manager. As the Department Manager I increased sales by five fold and received multiple awards for department performance during the seven years in that role. Seeking to maintain a full-time position that challenges me professionally and allows for utilization of excellent team work, time management and interpersonal skills, and problem-solving skills.

Contact Me
Screenshot of Inventory Plus
Inventory Plus

A group project that highlights the use of the following technologies HTML5, CSS3, Javascript, ReactJS, NodeJS, Express, MongoDB, Mongoose, Apollo Graphql, Heroku, EmailJS, JSON Web Token, Yup, React-Hook-Forms and Bcrypt. Inventory+ is an inventory management system that will help your business keep track of products, orders, and sales.

Screenshot of cocktail website
Cocktail Menu

A group project that highlighs the use of the following technologies css framework, javascript and third party APIs for data. User is able to search for cocktail recepies and a random drink is suggested based on the current temperature.

Screenshot of work day scheduler.
Work Day Scheduler

A project the highlights the use of the following technologies: bootstrap css framwork, and javascript. User is able to schedule and save text input to schedule their work day.

Screenshot of password generator
Password Generator

A project the highlights the use of the following technologies: Javascript. This project allows the user name to generate a random password from 8 - 128 characters using a mix of uppercase letters, lowercase letters, numbers, and special characters.